Address:2137 Danforth Ave., Toronto, ON M4C 1K2 | Phone:(416) 461-6516

The Dos and Don’ts For Root Canal Aftercare

Root canals have a reputation for being among the most unpleasant treatments in dentistry. However, that reputation results from old wives’ tales and urban myths rooted in antiquated procedures and outright fabrication. What truth there was in these old pieces of dental lore have changed with the introduction of better techniques, superior anesthetics, and improved technology. 

What To Know About Receiving A Root Canal Treatment

Today, root canals are only marginally more uncomfortable than having a filling placed. However, it’s essential to properly care for the treated tooth as it heals to ensure you avoid complications afterward. Doing so will ensure that you avoid infection setting in and will keep any post-treatment discomfort to a minimum. When Dr. Claudia Wood schedules you for a root canal treatment, the following steps will be followed:

  • Preparation: During the preparatory stage of your treatment, dental imaging will give Dr. Wood a clear roadmap for the procedure. You will also receive an anesthetic at the treatment site to eliminate discomfort during the root canal treatment.
  • Remove Decay: The next step will be using a dental drill or laser. The existing decay, necrotic pulp, and infected tissue within the tooth will be eliminated. Once this has been accomplished, the interior of your tooth will be sterilized and filled with gutta-percha, a putty that closes the space and prevents infection.
  • Reconstruction: The final stage involves closing the area that’s been treated using a filling or crown. This seals the interior of the tooth shut and prevents infection from reoccurring.

Once the procedure is complete, Dr. Wood will explain the essential parts of root canal aftercare. Some tenderness and swelling following the procedure aren’t unusual. You can take Ibuprofen or other NSAIDs to address the swelling until this passes. The discomfort from swelling won’t be felt at first, as you’ll still be numb from the anesthetic.

Over the few days following the procedure, be sure to take any medication Dr. Wood prescribes. You’ll also want to avoid hard or chewy foods, as their strain on your teeth can irritate the area. Chew on the side opposite the treatment site even when eating softer foods. You’ll need to continue dental hygiene care, but remember to be gentle. 

Most importantly, be certain that you attend any follow-up appointments you have scheduled with Danforth Dental Solutions. Even when you appear perfectly healed and aren’t experiencing discomfort, it’s essential that Dr. Wood check on your recovery. While rare, reinfection can set in and be asymptomatic, meaning free from symptoms.

Get Great Results With Proper Root Canal Aftercare

If you want to learn more about proper root canal aftercare, feel free to schedule an appointment with our team in Toronto, ON. We’re dedicated to providing you with patient education on your treatment and oral health. It’s an important part of ensuring that you and your family are active participants in your healthcare. Call Danforth Dental Solutions and schedule your next appointment today!

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